DeLuna Acres 4th Anniversary

September marks our 4th anniversary. To say this has been a strange year would be an understatement. COVID impacted us in so many ways including the cancellation of almost all shows as well as the annual ADGA Linear Appraisal program. Despite setbacks, all in all it was a great year for us. I always use this annual milestone as a look back and reflect on the accomplishments at our farm.

Our young herd have matured from a few bottle babies that jump-started us back in 2016 to a herd size of 40 today. This past year was our largest breeding program to-date, producing 51 kids and surprisingly a not so “buck kid” year as we’ve experienced in years past – 23 doe kids, 28 buck kids born. We finally reached a point where we’re able to retain kids for our future herd and we couldn’t be more excited.

This year we were fortunate to participate in a restricted show schedule that included 3 shows: BDGA in Hamilton, MT, Cache Valley in Logan, UT and Hell’s Canyon in Lewiston, ID. Our juniors were the primary focus for our program this year and they did not disappoint. At the Hamilton show, Hurricane-PM Golden Sai went RCH in the Dry Yearling Class. At the Logan show, Sai stepped it up taking GCH in the Dry Yearling Class and earning her dry leg. At the Lewiston show, Rockin-CB VVJ Lizzie went RCH in the Dry Yearling Class among some of the strongest competition in the PNW. It’s always exciting to obtain such strong results from our yearlings, knowing they are the future of of herd. Our breeding program for this coming year includes 6 yearlings and we’re super excited to see how they develop as milkers.

On the senior side, we continue to be amazed at our younger, senior does. In August we were notified by ADGA that 3 of our senior does achieved Elite status (awarded to the top 5% in every breed). Kadara and Jasper earned Elite status as 2 year olds, and Heckofa earned it as a 3 year old. We now have 4 does in our herd that have reached this significant milestone. Heckofa didn’t stop there, she also was awarded her Superior Genetics (SG) designation which is a pinnace of accomplishment for milking does. We now have 5 does in our herd that have achieved the lifetime SG designation.

Next month (October) kicks off our annual breeding program with 20 does slated for breeding, 6 of those as First Fresheners (FF). It will be another busy, crazy March and April as does begin to kid and kids inhale milk from lambar buckets as quickly as they’re filled. Fortunately we get a few down months in the winter to rest and re-charge before the crazy season starts up again.

We are fortunate and thankful in so many ways for all the great friends and mentors we’ve made along the way. Without their support, we’d never have made it this far. We’ve learned that the goat industry is a very tight knit group, always willing to help, especially in times of need such as what many breeders are currently going through with the west coast fires. We pray for the well being of all and hope 2021 brings us better times. Onward to year #5 !!!